Tender Details

DfE – Project Gigabit Consultancy

The UK Gigabit Programme is the UK Government’s £5bn programme to deliver ‘lighting fast, reliable broadband to all premises in the UK’. The UK Government has set a target to deliver gigabit capable infrastructure to a minimum of 85 percent of premises by 2025, and all premises ‘as soon as possible’. Northern Ireland is well placed to lead the rest of the UK in terms of access to gigabit capable broadband, building on momentum created by considerable commercial and public investment in broadband infrastructure. The purpose of this consultancy assignment is: • Outline Business Case (OBC) – develop an OBC for Project Gigabit in line with the Better Business Cases NI Five Case Model. The OBC will undertake a detailed assessment of value for money, affordability and achievability including a full economic appraisal and other key management information. The OBC will be used to inform any investment decision and provide evidence if the project can proceed to procurement. • Pre-procurement – support the development of the procurement process including advice on draft contract documents and ITT documentation. The Contractor will provide the necessary and appropriate technical, financial and economic support and advice to assist DfE in the development of the technical and financial specification requirements for this project. • Procurement – advise on evaluation of bids. The Contractor will be required to assist with the evaluation of the technical and financial aspects of submitted bids against the technical and financial specification and criteria. • Full Business Case (FBC) – the Contractor will be required to provide the necessary economic support to develop and complete the Full Business Case for the project in line with the Better Business Cases NI Five Case Model, leading to contract award. • Implementation phase of broadband contract – provide specialist technical and financial advice during the implementation of a contract.

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