Tender Details

BNSSG ICB Community Optometry Project

Following a Most Suitable Provider process, BNSSG ICB intend to award this Community Optometry pilot programme to Primary Eyecare Services (PES).
This pilot programme is intended to test the viability of a digital platform enabling the transfer of full volumetric Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) images and accompanying referral documents from Community Optometry practices to Hospital Eye Services (HES) to facilitate clinical decision making
and appropriate care.
The pilot will operate within a strict financial limit of £78,000 and the duration of the pilot shall be 12 months or when 2000 patients have been processed, whichever is the sooner.
If the pathway proves effective then it is the ICB’s hope that it justifies the full procurement of a substantive, long-term agreement for these services, subject to funding being made available and following a full procurement process. If the pathway proves ineffective for the system and its residents, it will not be commissioned.

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