Tender Details

Contract for CCTV Upgrade Project and Maintenance Services

London Borough of Barking and Dagenham requires a supplier to upgrade its public space control room, cameras and transmission equipment, to supply and install new equipment and to provide maintenance services.
The estimated contract value over four (4) + one (1) + one (1) years is £4m.
The works are to include the following:-
Principal items
Upgrade the control room camera recording and operating system
Upgrade the public space CCTV cameras, network, and transmission equipment
Decommission redundant equipment in the field and at the control room
Commission video analytics
Provide CCTV repair and maintenance services for the public space, housing, and car park CCTV systems
Optional items
Upgrade existing and supply and install new public space, housing, and car park CCTV systems
Relocate the public space CCTV control room to new premises
Supply and install a business continuity control room at a remote site.
There is a requirement that the successful supplier is to pay those members of its staff and sub-contracted staff working on the contract the London Living Wage through the contract term, including any extension(s).
Details of the specific requirements are laid out in the specification that can be found at the url address shown in this contract notice.
Site Visits will take place on 21st September 2022. It will be restricted to one representative per supplier. Please see information provided in the tender documents.

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