Tender Details

COV – Strategic Energy Partner

The overall objective of this Project is to enable the city of Coventry to reach net zero carbon emissions (Net Zero) in the long term, in a sustainable and economically viable way.
In doing so, the Project is expected to achieve the following outcomes that support the aims of the One Coventry Plan (https://letstalk.coventry.gov.uk/onecoventryplan) and the (draft) Climate Change & Sustainability Strategy.
• Enable zero carbon, energy efficient, resilient and adaptable buildings across the city
• Enable the move toward a zero-carbon circular economy approach throughout the city
• Enable low carbon, sustainable and equitable transport across the city including electrification and Active Travel
• Enable the creation of sustainable and resilient energy infrastructure for the long-term development needs of the city
• Deliver meaningful and significant social value for the long-term benefit of the city’s residents
• Deliver awareness and enable behavioural change across energy and transport throughout the city’s residents and organisations
• Become an active partner in delivering Coventry’s Digital ambitions.

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