Tender Details

CP7 Independent Reporter Framework

NR and ORR and undertaking an Occasional joint procurement to create the CP7 The Independent Reporter Services framework, which sets the criteria for a supplier to be qualified to bid to undertake an Independent Reporter review as an Independent Reporter. When responding to the tender for the Independent Reporter Services framework, suppliers will indicate which Lots they are applying to be an Independent Reporter for.
Each Independent Reporter review will be allocated to the most appropriate Lot (as determined by ORR) and only those Independent Reporters qualified to bid for contracts under that Lot will be eligible to undertake the review.
Each lot will contain a minimum of one and a maximum of three Independent Reporters who are qualified to bid for contracts within the Lot. The lots available are:
1. Analytical Support
2. Programme, project, and cost management & consultancy
3. Asset management and engineering & environmental matters
4. Railway operations and performance management
5. Efficiency and financial reporting
Independent Reporters may be commissioned to look at any part of Network Rail’s regulated activities. It is expected all suppliers in each Lot will have the capability and expertise to undertake any work reasonably assigned to the Lot and it is a requirement this capability is retained throughout the contract period.

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