Tender Details

CS012 – Supply of an Adult Learning Management Information System with Associated Services

The Council provided notification on 6th September 2022 that the CS012 Supply of an Adult Learning Management Information Solution with Associated Services (Externally Hosted SaaS Solution) tender process is being abandoned as per paragraph 6.3 of the Guidance Notes and Instructions to Tender.
Since publishing the tender, the Council, in consultation with the Derbyshire Adult Education Service, the Council’s IT department and Legal Services, have been able to confirm its requirements in respect of web presence, online enrolment, courses search and payment processes. As such, the tender pack as issued no longer accurately reflects the business requirement.
The Council will be updating and reissuing the tender documents, and the opportunity will be readvertised on Find a Tender Service (FTS), Contracts Finder and the Council’s e-tendering portal

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