Tender Details

Deer & Other Wildlife Management Dynamic Purchasing System

FLS is establishing a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for the provision of Deer & Other Wildlife Management across SNFL.
A Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) is an electronic system established by a contracting authority to purchase commonly used goods, works or services in accordance with the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015. Admittance to a DPS gives participants the opportunity to subsequently bid for relevant future opportunities which are procured through the DPS.
The purpose of the DPS is to provide a compliant route to market for FLS to replace Deer & Other Wildlife Management contracts which have been terminated due to contract failure or to replace contracts upon their expiration. This DPS will not be used as a route to market for any other reason.
The scope of the DPS is primarily for deer culling. The culling of feral pig, feral goat and feral sheep is required on an opportunistic basis only. FLS reserves the right to deliver or procure a targeted feral pig, feral goat and/or feral sheep cull.

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