Tender Details

DfC Sport NI – Performance Sport Tracking Support System

Sport Northern Ireland wishes to acquire a Performance Sport Tracking Support System in order to: • Maintain a Performance Sport Tracking Support System and provide access to Sport NI; • Provide a service desk facility for day-to-day support; and • Provide training (online and onsite if required) and documentation for staff in the use of the proposed solution. This will enable access to a comprehensive database of performance results that are relevant to Sport NI and access to analytical tools that enable its staff to deliver services such as results monitoring and benchmarking, talent identification, forecasting, predictive analysis, and reporting. Staff from Sport NI will use the information provided by the system to monitor, manage and allocate investments in sport high performance programmes and to optimise return on Sport NI investment in performance sport. This contract will run for an initial period of two years plus two optional extension periods of up to twelve months each.

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