Tender Details

Enhanced Care Home Bed Commissioning

Aneurin Bevan University Health Board, on behalf of Gwent Regional Partnership Board, are seeking to work with the Gwent care home network as part of a regional partnership response to ongoing system pressures.
Our current model of graduated care will be enhanced with the commissioning of care home beds to introduced centralised regional capacity.
We are seeking facilities with a minimum of 10 beds within a specified area of a care home. This capacity is intended to be in place prior to the winter period as part of a whole system response to the system pressures.
Individuals within a graduated care pathway will be stepping down from a hospital stay to support a period of convalescence and promotion of independence.
The period of stay will allow for assessments to inform longer term care needs.
The key success for this model, will be shorter lengths of stay for individuals to ensure throughput within the model to support as many people as possible.
Prior to any formal commissioning process, we are seeking expressions of interest from the Gwent Care Home Network on willingness and capacity to support this enhanced model.
Providers will need to have sufficient capacity within the care home facility and provide assurances of the staffing available to support the beds.
Please email ABB.PartnershipPMO@wales.nhs.uk if you are interested in supporting this model, and have capacity available ahead of Winter 2022-23.
No formal template is required, but please state your care home name, bed capacity available, and confidence of staffing levels to support the available beds.
Should you have any queries, please contact us via the above email address.
Expressions of interest are requested by close of play Tuesday 13th September 2022.

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