Tender Details

Estate Services Provision of Grounds Maintenance

LiveWest provides over 38,000 homes to over 80,000 people throughout the Southwest from Gloucestershire to the Isles of Scilly. We have plans to build over 6,000 homes in the area over the next five years, developing new homes of all tenures including low-cost rent and sale, market rent and sale, and a range of supported housing and intermediate housing products, creating choice and flexibility.
Livewest maintains its communal areas and grounds to a high standard agreed in consultations with our residents. with this tender, we are looking to procure grounds maintenance services for our schemes in Devon and Cornwall areas.
Livewest’s grounds maintenance specifications centre around our “Total Site Care” approach. This means that all asset types at all schemes to be maintained at or above contract standards at all time during the course of the contract period with scheme presenting to a high standard through the year.
Grounds maintenance contracts will be managed by team of dedicated, professional and experienced managers as part of the Estate Services Team. Estate Services Team will work closely to develop close working partnerships with the winning contractors while keeping our customers at the centre of performance monitoring.
As part of this tender process, tenderers may be required to participate in a non-scored conversation in relation to environmental impact.
This will involve an conversation where each supplier will be asked a set of environmental questions, specific to the project by the operational lead, and a member of the environmental team.
We are carrying out this activity to better understand the environmental impact of carrying out our investment programme and how this may affect future procurement activities.

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