Tender Details

Flexible Framework for Adoption Support – Therapeutic and Specialist Assessment Services

Adopt North East (ANE) is a Regional Adoption Agency based in the North East of England. It was created in December 2018 in response to the legal requirement that local authorities regionalise their adoption services. It is a partnership between five Local Authorities: Gateshead Council, Newcastle City Council, Northumberland County Council, North Tyneside Council and South Tyneside Council. It is hosted by North Tyneside Council. In joining their adoption services together and forming a Regional Adoption Agency, the vision and ambition of the five partner Local Authorities is for Adopt North East to achieve ‘excellent adoption services that transform children’s and families lives for the better’.
Adopt North East (Hosted by North Tyneside Council) is seeking to establish a framework of providers to support the medium and high level element of our offer by provision of therapeutic services and specialist assessments.
The majority of support will be provided to families through direct funding made available to Adopt North East by the Adoption Support Fund (ASF) of the Department for Education. Accordingly, any changes to the ASF funding arrangements within the contract period may vary this contract.
A minority of support will be provided to families through bespoke funding agreed by Adopt North East and/or Local Authorities responsible for the child.

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