Tender Details

Framework for Specialist and Alternative Day Education

Warwickshire County Council has commissioned a multi provider framework for the provision of Specialist and Alternative Education Day Placements.
The tender is divided into Lots as follows:
Lot 1 – Specialist education for learners aged 4 to 25
Lot 2 – Alternative education for learners aged 4 to16
Lot 1 – Specialist Education (primary, secondary and post-16)
Substantive education day placements to meet the needs of children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) aged 4-25 years, and to support them
to achieve positive outcomes in accordance with their Education, Health & Care Plan (EHCP).
Lot 2 – Alternative Education (age 4-16)
Temporary education placements to support the reintegration into mainstream settings of pupils who are at risk of exclusion or have been permanently excluded from school or who
are missing education for any other reason; and to ensure their education needs are met during this period.

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