Tender Details

Framework for the Provision of Apprenticeship Training and End Point Assessment – September 2022 Update

This Framework was established in February 2021 to replace the previous Dynamic Purchasing System operated by Salisbury NHSFT.
This Framework operates at two levels – Level One, where any suitably qualified and eligible provider can submit details of all the apprenticeships they offer, and employers can then either direct award or, via Salisbury, conduct a further competition against their local needs. Level Two will be a smaller number of providers for a specific standard, appointed via a Further Competition, using a higher selection criteria published with each ITT.
Both levels of listing are open across all our eligible public and third sector organisations. Level Two listed providers can be selected either by employer direct award or a further competition amongst those listed.
Any Provider applying to the Framework must meet all the pass/fail criteria listed on the Response Document, and must only submit responses via Salisbury’s Bravo procurement portal.
All Providers must agree to the Framework terms and conditions published on the Bravo portal – amendments to those Terms will not be made for specific providers.
Interested providers must complete the relevant submission on Salisbury’s Bravo procurement portal in order to be considered. Please note the final selection of providers to award is a decision for employers and this Framework does not represent a spend commitment by any organisation.
Additionally, if you are a provider who has only previously responded / been awarded under a profession specific procurement (reference numbers beginning C1546…) you must also submit a response to this Framework in order for that earlier award to remain valid. This excludes awards under C2099 (Advanced Clinical Practice), C2443 (Nursing and Midwifery), and C2593 (Paramedic).
This Requirement is for the September 2022 opening of the Framework, to allow for the following :
1 – Existing providers to update their course listing (using the Excel document issued on the Bravo portal only)
2 – New providers to apply to join the Framework
3 – Existing providers to advise of changes in their status, e.g. contact details or Ofsted rating.
Do I need to respond to this opening?
Yes – New provider applying to join
Existing provider adding new programmes
Existing provider with changes in details / Ofsted rating
Existing provider who’s course data (achievement rates, etc) have changed Existing provider with no changes to courses offered (update achievement data)
Please note we have added a “course weblink” column to the response spreadsheet, to enable providers to direct employers to further information. Existing suppliers with no other changes do not need to add this, it is not a mandatory field, but employers may select providers offering such information instead.

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