Tender Details

(NU/1589 – 73) Web Services Retainer 2022-2023

We are seeking to appoint an agency on a retainer for 11 months to support with the following key services:
1. Web content development
a. Write and edit effective web content:
i. Using user centred content design principles
ii. Optimised for appropriate readability
iii. Optimised for search engines and mobile devices
iv. To meet the University’s web content guidelines and standards
b. Rewrite Newcastle University content so it is more suitable for the web
c. Use our content workflow and CMS to develop and publish content
2. Web page creation
a. Use our content workflow system, GatherContent, to manage content creation and approvals processes
b. Create and publish approved web content using one of our content management systems (CMS). We use TerminalFour (T4) as our enterprise level CMS for the web estate on ncl.ac.uk. We also use Hubspot CMS for specific projects and support is required for both.
c. Deliver pages that are accessible for users with cognitive and physical difficulties or disabilities.
d. Apply SEO best practices
e. Adherence to web standards (W3C) and best practices for performance and accessibility (WCAG 2.1 AA / AAA)
f. Strong working knowledge developing cross platform/browser compatibility for dynamic web applications. RWD (responsive web design) and mobile first design
g. Strong understanding of functional testing strategies and application
3. Project management skills
a. The ability to deliver outstanding project management throughout the 11 month retainer
b. Assign a dedicated Account Manager who can deal with day-to-day enquires and provide regular updates to University stakeholders.
c. Assign an Account Director to provide an oversight of the retainer, provide regular updates and keep track of budgets.
d. Use our internal project management system Wrike
e. Create a variety of planning documentation and status reports to assist with delivering web projects and to coordinate resource to attend training workshops as required for on-boarding, improving knowledge of our CMS and web standards
f. Have a collaborative approach acting as an extension of our in-house delivery team

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