Tender Details

Provision of Network Modernisation Managed Service

The University is making a series of strategic significant investments in information technology to empower world class learning and teaching and to deliver an enhanced experience for all consumers of University services. This is particularly relevant due to the shift in practices created by Covid-19, which accelerated digital learning and collaboration across all parts of the University.
The Modern Network is a key part of the Information & Technology Strategy. It is an ambitious undertaking that seeks to blend high performance and capacity with flexibility, robustness, security, ease of use, a global reach, sustainability, promotion of digital equality and social inclusion, creating a positive economic impact and operational excellence. The Modern Network is a transformation of the current network which serves students, staff, and wider partners in Lancashire, in the UK and globally.
This is a huge and exciting opportunity to create a prestigious, advanced digital environment that will power the future success of the University.

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