Tender Details

Provision of Online Standards, Databases and Publication with hard copy facility

This is a Contract Notice (CN) to inform the market of an opportunity to participate in a Pre-Qualifying Questionnaire (PQQ) for the Provision of Online Standards, Databases and Publications with hard copy facility. The Invitation to Tender (ITT) document suite will also be available to review, however not to respond to, until the PQQ stage has completed and the ITT has officially been issued to the successfully down-selected PQQ Tenderer’s. The PQQ will be live for 30 days and will close 15:00GMT on 13th October 2022.
All interested tenderer’s should read the PQQ Guidance provided within the Defence Sourcing Portal (DSP). MoD mandates the use of DSP therefore all interested tenderer’s must be registered and respond solely via the DSP.
The PQQ title on DSP is: 703793451 PQQ_02 Provision of Online Standards, databases and Publications.
This requirement is for a subscription agent to act on behalf of the MoD to source, negotiate and procure online standards, databases and publications with hard copy facility, for a wide range of MoD business units located across the UK and overseas.
The selection criteria is in accordance with PCR 2015 Regulation 65. Subject to Contract: the Contract will be a three (3) year contract plus one (1) optional year.

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