Tender Details

Replacement of electric Storage Heating and Water Services-2022

A further competition via, Lot 17A – Electric Storage Heaters of the EN:Procure DPS for Energy Efficiency Retrofit Installation (See OJEU Notice 2021/S 065-169918) for works that consist of the replacement of existing heating and water services to individual properties inclusive of all making good and associated ancillary works all in accordance with the specification and drawings.
The works are partially funded via SHDF Wave 1 Funding and a condition of such is that the work is to be undertaken in accordance with PAS 2035 framework and retrofit installers (or their subcontractor(s) must be accredited to PAS 2030:2019 (C5, C6 & D1)
The Employer also intends to submit a bid for Social Housing Decarbonation Fund Wave 2 Monies to undertake works of a similar nature to the works being undertaken under this project. Therefore, the Employer reserve the right to negotiate and let other contracts for works of similar nature granted funding under the Social Housing Decarbonation Fund Wave 2 Monies, subject to funding, performance, and agreement of business case. Any negotiation on SHDF Wave 2 should be based on the actual tender rates and contract terms (adjusted for the specific Contract Particulars relative to the new project) with any adjustment to tendered rates being evidenced via business cased whereby changes including market changes for inflation can be robustly evidences to the satisfaction of the Contract Administrator.

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