Tender Details

SC220097 – Consumer Research

Kent County Council is awarding a single contract to CM Monitor (Britain Thinks) Ltd for a residential research project as part of our Resident and User Experience Programme. The contract is due to start 1st September 2022 and will continue for a period of 4 months unless terminated in accordance with the Conditions of Contract.
The overarching aim of this research is to understand what sort of relationship residents currently have, want to have, and need to have, with the county council and the best ways of creating, developing, and maintaining that relationship.
Specifically, we’d like to understand the key factors that shape and drive:
• resident satisfaction with KCC as an organisation
• how trust in KCC is built and damaged
• our reputation as a local authority
Improving information, communications and customer experience
We will use the understanding gained from this research to inform and aid the design of the Council’s first resident engagement strategy which seeks to develop a richer, deeper relationship and dialogue with residents. It will also be used to identify the sort of content, features and functionality that residents would value most on our main corporate website (kent.gov.uk) and optimize and shape ongoing marketing, social media and brand management strategies and activities. It will also be used inform other aspects of the council’s policy and strategy development work.

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