Tender Details

Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent Special Allocation Scheme

The Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Integrated Care Board currently commission the Special Allocations Scheme Service (SAS) across the ICB area. The SAS has been in place since 2004 having previously been known as the violent patient’s scheme.   Patients currently registered with the SAS scheme have either acted in an abusive, threatening or violent way towards GP practice staff (or their patients).  The patients are only removed from general practice and onto the SAS scheme if NHSE patient removal guidance has been followed. A practice can request a patients immediate removal from the practice list by completing a standard template and submitting to Primary Care Support England (PCSE). PCSE will then arrange the removal of the patient and allocate to the SAS practice provider within the ICB footprint. The ICB Primary Care team are also informed by PCSE of the removal and allocation to a SAS provider.
The ICB wishes to tender the service with the contracts commencing on 1st April 2023. This is a locality-based services and we are looking for providers across the following 4 areas:
1. Northern Staffordshire
2. South East Staffordshire
3. South West Staffordshire
4. Stoke-on-Trent
Bidders may apply for one or more of the lot areas.
The Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent Special Allocation Scheme service (SAS) will
be delivered under an APMS contract. Providers will need to be able to demonstrate
that they will be able to provide core primary care services prior to commencement
of the contract and for the entire duration of the SAS contract including the option
to extend for up to a further two (2) years. This includes the registration of Special
Allocation Scheme Patients to enable the provision of wider core GMS services and
prescribing needs.
The contract period will be for three years with an optional extension period of up to two years.
Indicative Financial envelopes based on Patient numbers as at 31st July 2022 for the contract period to include the up to two year extension period are as follows;
Lot 1 – North Staffordshire £117,500.00
Lot 2 – South East Staffordshire £97,500.00
Lot 3 South West Staffordshire £113,500.00
Lot 4 Stoke on Trent £425,000.00
Indicative Total for all lots £754,000.00
The ICB has set a fixed price for the Special Allocation Scheme Services as detailed in Annex 4 Financial Template Handbook and reserves the right not to consider Bids that are not compliant with the fixed price affordability envelope of the project or in absence of an affordability envelope, the Find a Tender Service (FTS) notice value. 
A Bidder Event is planned for Wednesday 14th September 12:30pm – 2:00pm. This event will take place virtually vis MS Teams and will allow Commissioners to present requirements of the future service and the procurement process. In order to register for the event please visit https://mlcsu.bravosolution.co.uk, access the Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent Special Allocations Service ITT 960 and register name, job title, email address and telephone number for each attendee using the messaging portal.

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