Tender Details

TC1119 Adult Social Care Employability Support

Lot 1 – Pre-employability and self-development “Our Future” Service – For eligible citizens who want support to develop themselves and engage in activities and services to support that. It will be aimed at citizens not yet ready for employment, but who may consider that in the longer term.
Lot 2 – Supported Employment / Employment Support Service – The model proposed by the provider needs to be evidenced based. This could be the Supported Employment Model (SES) with its 5 stages which is widely cited as good practice or another model, providing it is evidence based (see Reference 1). It is aimed at citizens who want to work. This service needs to include sustainment support – This will include support for employers and citizens. This should apply to anyone referred who is: in work and at risk of not sustaining employment; has started employment having progressed from the Pre-employability and self-development “Our Future” service or Supported Employment / Employment support service offers.

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