Tender Details

Tender for a Lead Delivery and Coordination Partner for the Home-Grown Homes Project Phase 2

Powys County Council is seeking to appoint a delivery partner to deliver the Home-Grown Homes Project Phase 2.
The objectives of the project must be completed, and all outputs delivered to the Council by no later than 31st March 2025. The objectives are as follows:
1. Considering options to pay for Greenhouse Gas removal from wood in construction.
2. Working with sawmills and the processing sector to increase the supply of high-quality construction grade timber in Wales, including through creating Environmental Product Declarations for Welsh timber and manufactured products.
3. Working to develop markets for use of timber-based construction products, such as wood fibre insultation, timber window frames, etc.
4. Working in the fields of secondary education, further education, and higher-level education to develop training programmes and syllabuses to enable the development of skills needed to deliver a Welsh Wood Economy.
5. Assessing the future timber supply needed in Wales to decarbonise the economy and support the forestry sector in woodland creation to meet these needs.
6. Supporting and assisting the development and implementation of the Timber Industrial Strategy for Wales, providing expertise and guidance where required.
7. Supporting the development and establishment of the National Forest, providing expertise and developing ways that the National Forest can supply high quality construction timber, whilst also providing recreation and health benefits.

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