Tender Details

The Provision of a CRM and MDM Solution

The Buckinghamshire Council seeks tenders from suitably qualified and experienced organisations for the provision of a corporate, modern Customer Relationship Platform (CRM) that supports the Council’s vision of a “Customer First” culture. Our vision is to give residents more free time by making everything they do with the Council faster and easier. We need modern tools to achieve this, harnessing the power of Master Data Management (MDM) to enable a ‘single view of the customer’ and integrate with existing Line of Business systems. This cloud hosted system will provide rich, unfettered data to help promote the seamless digital journey from the Buckinghamshire Council website.
The solution will include (but not be limited to) the following: hosting, licensing, maintenance, upgrades, reporting, consultancy, customisation, configuration, database administration, data cleansing, data migration, Implementation, initial training, ongoing support.

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