Tender Details

Tree planting Grange Farm

Buckinghamshire Council (BC) is looking to instruct a Contractor to plant and subsequently maintain a woodland at part of a site known as Grange Farm. A United Kingdom Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant Woodland Creation Design Plan (WCDP) was produced for this site. Grange Farm is located to the north east of the town of High Wycombe in Buckinghamshire. The site is a large arable field of approximately 7.41 ha in size, surrounded by countryside but also close to the small suburban settlements of Four Ashes, Totteridge, Hazelmere and Widmer End. The work will consist of erecting fencing to protect the new woodland from animals, in particular deer and rabbits, sourcing and planting a pre-determined species mix of trees and shrubs (14,700), making the site accessible to the public by access routes detailed in the WCDP and supporting the establishment of the new woodland over 10 years. The planting is to be completed in the 2022- 2023 planting season.

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