Tender Details

WP3899a – Provision of Alternative Education

If you already have a contract through WP3899- Provision of Alternative Education in place with Walsall Council then you do not need to complete this application process. This is for new applicants only.
The duration of the Contracts will be from the date each award is made following successful completion of the application process to 9th April 2027 with the option to extend up to a further 36 months.
The procurement process is an Open Application Process under the Light Touch Regime. Under Regulation 76, the council is free to establish a procedure, provided that, the procedure is sufficient to ensure compliance with the principles of transparency and equal treatment of economic operators (suppliers).
The Application Process remains open for the duration of the contract and providers can apply to join at any time. All suppliers that satisfy all of the minimum requirements of the standard selection questionnaire (SSQ) and due diligence process shall be awarded a contract. It is anticipated that the Council will review new applicants on a termly basis.

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